Speak to an expert | +61 2 9489 3065 | david@dubosconsulting.com.au
Work Health and Safety Management
Ergonomic Evaluations
Safety Training
Expert Opinion Services
Risk Assessments
Safety Management System Auditing
David Dubos Consulting is a responsive expert Work Health and Safety and Risk Management consultancy. Our Principal brings to bear over 40 years of experience in risk and safety management, for both private & government concerns.
Our team utilises expertise in ergonomics, safety engineering, safety systems and training. In depth studies of human interaction with systems of work have been required by a range of clients. Detailed application of ergonomics and safety engineering to safety management in the working environment has been a keynote throughout the many assignments completed.
We can provide assistance with personal injury legal matters, including Work Injury Damages and Public Liability. We have worked directly with personal injury and insurance lawyers since 1996. We have worked with over 200 different legal firms in the development of over 3000 expert opinion reports. We have provided reports on injuries and incidents relating to manual handling, repetitive overuse, slips, trips, and falls, machinery accidents, bullying, harassment and violence, amongst others.
We have provided our services to a range of industries including manufacturing, heavy engineering, mining, transport, construction, retail, health care, agriculture, education, entertainment and many more. David Dubos Consulting has assignments nationally across Australia in all states, as well as in South East Asia and New Zealand.
Results are achieved with safety management, ergonomics, safety engineering and training, and resources and money are saved. However, the intangible results of injuries and accidents prevented are difficult to measure in monetary terms, with benefits reaped in good will and reputation. The safety of employees and the public in many respects is beyond worth.
David Dubos
BA, Grad. Dip. Communication, Grad. Dip. Safety Science, GMQ (AGSM), CPMSIA, MHFESA
David has been Managing Director of David Dubos Consulting Pty Ltd for over 25 years. David is a safety engineer consulting in industrial and public safety management with qualifications in safety science, ergonomics and management. He provides expert investigation and opinion in safety engineering, safety management and ergonomics. His experience includes safety systems auditing across Australia, New Zealand and South-East Asia.
Michael Dubos
Master OHS, Grad. Cert. SRR Engineering, Cert. AO Ergonomics, B. PESS, HFESA-CPE, AIHS-ChOHSP, RMIA-CPRM, MFESA
Michael is a Certified Professional Ergonomist, Chartered Occupational Health & Safety Professional and a Certified Practicing Risk Manager. He currently sits on Standards Australia and ASTM International committees. He has extensive experience in health and safety management, consulting, and analysis across a variety of industry sectors. He provides expert investigation and opinion in safety and risk management, safety engineering and ergonomics.